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Projects List

  • 1. Django Poll app

    Django Poll App: A versatile web application for creating, managing, and conducting polls effortlessly, with user-friendly admin features and real-time results.

  • 2. Django Web Crawler

    Django Web Crawler: An efficient web crawler built with Django framework, capable of traversing websites and extracting data for various purposes such as indexing or scraping.

  • 3. Finance Tracker

    Finance Tracker: A comprehensive financial management tool designed to track expenses, manage budgets, analyze spending patterns, and visualize financial data effectively.

  • 4. QR Code Generator

    QR Code Generator: A simple yet powerful tool for generating QR codes dynamically, with customizable options such as size, color, and encoding format, suitable for various applications.

  • 5. Student Management System

    Student Management System: A robust system designed for educational institutions to manage student records, enrollments, grades, and other administrative tasks efficiently.

  • 6. User Authentication System

    User Authentication System: An authentication system built with Django framework to handle user registration, login, logout, password reset, and account management functionalities securely.

  • 7. Weather Application Django

    Weather Application Django: A web application that fetches weather data from an external API and displays current weather conditions, forecasts, and other related information using Django framework.

  • 8. Django Banking App

    Django Banking App: A banking application developed with Django framework, offering features such as account management, fund transfer, transaction history, and secure authentication.

  • 9. Django News App

    Django News App: An application for aggregating and displaying news articles from various sources, implementing features such as categorization, search, and user interaction using Django framework.

  • 10. Django Blog App

    Django Blog App: A full-featured blog application built with Django framework, allowing users to create, edit, publish, and manage blog posts, along with features like comments, tags, and user authentication.

  • 11. Django Todo

    Django Todo: A simple yet powerful to-do list application built with Django framework, offering features such as task creation, completion tracking, prioritization, and user authentication.

  • 12. Email Project

    Email Project: An email management system developed with Django framework, facilitating features such as composing, sending, receiving, and organizing emails efficiently.

  • 13. Library Management System

    Library Management System: A comprehensive system built with Django framework for managing library resources, including functionalities for book cataloging, lending, returning, and user management.

  • 14. Facebook Clone App

    Facebook Clone App: A social networking platform replica inspired by Facebook, developed using modern web technologies. It includes features such as user profiles, news feed, friend requests, messaging, photo sharing, comments, likes, and more, closely resembling the functionality and user experience of the original Facebook platform.

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